FYI: I am an Army veteran, but regardless of duty status, the pistol purchase process is the same for either of us. The states do not recognize service when purchasing a handgun. If you do not have a CCH permit, you may attain a pistol purchase permit from your local...
Concealed Carry
How To: Getting your NC Concealed Carry Permit
What are the steps? There are many paths that lead us to obtaining a concealed carry handgun permit (referred to a CCH permit); and though there are a few that are common, each of use arrives at this decision on our own. However, once you decide to pursue this, the...
Situational Awareness
COLOR CODES OF AWARENESS The color codes of awareness, popularized by the grandfather of modern pistolcraft, Col. Jeff Cooper, quantify one’s level of mental awareness by assigning a color to how much attention one pays to their surroundings. While its important to...
Concealed Carry options
Concealed Carry purse realities
Beware of the gun store douche bag
Beware of the gun store douche bag